Thursday, May 9, 2013

Never forced. Natural.

This morning we have learned of the sounds of nebulas, had a toad come visit and let our nine month old baby girl experience dew on her toes for the first time. We were up since six.  We made the most of each opportunity in between getting ready for school and tidying up dirty plates.  Spring always brings me back to the roots of how amazing our Creator is.  As the earth fills with the roots of new saplings and flowers my roots dig deeper into Christ.  His love nourishes me and replenishes my soul.  Living within Christ, such a gift and so much thankfulness.  I want to sink deeper and deeper into Him.  It happens as His Spirit rains down and replenishes and provides and organically and naturally it happens. Never forced, it's natural. It's what I was created for.  In total awe of God, reflecting perfect Love. I am just bathing in this warm reminder this morning. 

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